Thursday, 25 November 2010

Little icons

I have been busy making the little works for the next Creative Freelance project. Discarded made beautiful.
You can see my proto types on the blog and find out more about the project at - "discarded made beautiful."
The exhibition will be in the spring at the Frame Workshop Gallery in Ipswich.
We had to use recycled stuff or junk and they were to be very small, and to sell for under £30

I have used the bits of wood from the back of canvases; -I never know what to do with them and have saved them for years in a box.."just in case". Old paint that I have scraped off of pallets over the past few months while I have been working, old bits of kitchen roll after I have wiped the knife and I printed the images of paintings on to discarded paper.(The programs left over from the frailty in thought project.)
I have had a lovely therapeutic time playing with gold paint and collage and cans of spray enamel...yum!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Key Arts

I find out Key Arts- the Artist led space has been disbanded.
Key Arts cannot finish. Apparently at the  Key Arts AGM last night the group was disbanded.
as soon as I heard I was on the blower!!!!! I have had informal chats with a few people who are right behind me.
An Artist led space is vital to Ipswich.
We have all made great work there and we should keep it going so we and others can continue to make great work too.
Over The last 5 years key arts has had 73 events...
wow!!!  lets build on that not throw it away!!!!
I am happy to continue on. I will be chair.
watch this space...
Zoe can come and do 108 doors there!!! fab!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

zoes next performance

Zoe Redman
Mark Lockett
Jacob Redman
la performance multimedia
   La CoopĂ©rative
Centre d'Art et de Littérature
11170 MONTOLIEU Village du Livre
tel :
Check out the link.
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