Monday, 29 June 2020
exploring the figure, a different look at life painting
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Black Lives Matter
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
so back to the studio again.
Quick update. So did a couple of the view from the house... the weeks passed, and the forsythia flowers faded and went, but I captured them with golden paint. Actually, the painting was a struggle... too little detail, then too much, (at one time it was like a picture for a jigsaw puzzle, very nice n all that but sooo bland...) anyway I made the paint thicker and thicker till I rediscovered my voice.

This is Forsythia and Sunlight.100 x 80cm
oil on canvas
then I did this...Trancycarpus and Ferns also 100 x 80 cm oil on canvas.

its bloody hard to get the paint really thick!!!!!
Then...enough with the plants... I missed painting people...
So, I took everything back in the studio.
I had planned to work with Blue before lockdown as I said in my last post. Anyway a few weeks ago, she came and modelled for me in the a distance of course, and that work is ongoing. We explore what we are thinking, what we see...our response to the situation... And I am trying to move my work on from what I did before lockdown... the figure displaces the world around, it breathes and moves, this is not a look at a specific woman, here the figure is just a person. Also, my work with a model helps my work from photographs.
Here is a taster. Its on going and I work over the pieces, but try to keep the energy and not make them necessarily accurate or recognisable...