Tuesday, 16 August 2016

new direction for the under the skin project

I find its always good to have a bit of space away from the work to let if ferment... I went to a fabulous garden in Athis de l' orne in Normandy created by a couple of visual artists Dominique and Benoit Delomez ... click here to see the website  http://www.jardin-interieuracielouvert.com/index/le-jardin 
and some of the sculptures they had created inspired me to take the work I am doing in a new direction. First developing the paintings I have made of Leo already

I plan to make some  more paintings focusing on just Leos hands and feet, and maybe his torso.

 Then using perspex as a support (a material I have used before ) with stain glass window paint, etching and reflective paint to take the ideas further.

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