I am using my work from the Figure each week to explore and develop my latest ideas.
I want the paintings to be large, expansive, (these are 90cm x 90cm) drippy, groaning, melting, merging, raw. This is the first one. I will prepare some different surfaces and paint some more from the same viewpoint for the next few weeks, layering and developing. - I'm excited by process once more.
I have been looking at the way to prepare the canvas, to texture it.

I am looking at earth.The Figure emerging, pushing through, so the layers of drips meld and merge with the surface, being born of the earth.
For the last few years my work has been about the light.
It comes in to the interior and bounces of the figures and objects within.This light has been all around the world, It has no "time" it links us all to every one before and after.
Before that I was looking at the figures made of air.

before that I was exploring fragility and working with glass paints on perspex
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